Before The International 2022 (TI11), Valve decided to release its Dota 2 7.32 patch, during the group stages of ESL One Malaysia 2022. Patch 7.32 reveals new and reworked hero abilities, updated talents, shards, scepters, and neutral items. Valve has also announced the release date of the 2022 Battle Pass ahead of The International 2022 (TI11).

Meta Heroes Nerfed in Dota 2 7.32

Tiny, Marci, Pudge, Winter Wyvern, and Puck are the most picked heroes in the Arlington Major, they got the massive nerfs to their abilities.

  • Marci’s Dispose lost its ability to stun and was instead replaced with a slot, while Unleash’s effectiveness was also diminished.
  • Puck’s abilities, which helped her scale well into the mid and late game, were altered or nerfed.
  • Tiny will now face new mana issues as a result of Toss’ raised mana requirement.

Some heroes got nerfed in Dota 2 7.32Some heroes got nerfed in Dota 2 7.32

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Reworked Scepter Abilities for Centaur in Dota 2 7.32

Reworked Scepter. Grants new ability: Hitch a Ride. Centaur tosses an ally into a cart hitched behind him. While in the cart, the ally can still cast and attack normally, but cannot move independently or be targeted by opponents. Non-targeted effects can still affect the hitched ally. Increases the attack range of hitched melee heroes by 200. Mana Cost: 75. Cooldown: 60s. Duration: 8s. Cast Range: 300


Black King Bar Receives Mana Cost Nerf as Items Received Significant Changes

Now the Avatar mode in BKB , which grants spell immunity will have a 50 mana cost per use. This means that BKB users are more susceptible to being countered by mana burn, while other items such as Wraith Pact and Glimmer Cape were buffed.

BKB receives 50 Mana Cost 

BKB nerf – Dota 2 7.32 Changes

New Neutral Items Released in Dota 2 7.32

Dota 2 7.32 patch has seven new items, expanding the dynamic options heroes can choose from when preparing for battle during the early stages of the game.

Seeds of Serenity

Support players will rejoice, as this neutral item allows them to heal their teammates in an area-of-effect (AOE) field, giving them +8 health regen.

+100 Health

Active: Verdurous Dale. Target the ground with a 350 radius. Provides +8 health regeneration to all allied units while they’re in the area of effect . Lasts 14 seconds. Cooldown: 40s

Lance of Pursuit

This item allows carry players to harass the enemy as it provides extra attack damage and slows if they are facing away from them.

+200 Mana

Passive: Hound. Attacking an enemy when they are facing away from the hero grants +15 Attack Damage and slows them by 12%/6% for 1 second (melee/ranged).

Occult Bracelet

This item provides mana regeneration passive each time the user is attacked.

+5 All Stats

Passive: Rites of Eloshar. Each time the wearer is attacked, they gain a stack of 0.5 Mana Regen, up to 5 stacks. Stacks last for 10 seconds.

Eye of the Vizier

Similar to Nether Shawl, it provides the user with an increase in cast range, at the cost of 20% of its maximum mana.

+125 Cast Range, -20% Max Mana

Specialist’s Array

Ranged carry heroes such as Drow Ranger and Sniper will be able to make full use of this item, as its passive is basically a multishot each twelve seconds.

+8 All Stats, +10 Attack Damage

Passive: Crackshot. Next attack fires projectiles at 2 additional targets within attack range. Only works on ranged heroes and does not proc attack modifiers. Cooldown 12s.

Dagger of Ristul

Similar to Soul Ring in a way, its active ability allows the user to temporarily gain +40 Attack Damage for 100 health.

+10 attack speed.

Active: Imbrue. Consume 100 health to temporarily gain +40 Attack Damage. Lasts 8 seconds. Cooldown: 30s

Ogre Seal Totem

This item is not new to Dota players, as it was previously seen during Aghanim’s Labyrinth and other events. However, the added strength stats and active ability is still welcomed.

+12 Strength

Active: Ogre Seal Flop. Flop forward like an Ogre Seal 2 times, dealing 150 damage and slowing enemies in a 225 radius by 100% for 1s on each bounce. Bounce distance: 400. Manacost 75. Cooldown: 40s. Destroys trees.


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