Welcome back, intrepid Last Epoch adventurers! In Part 1, we embarked on a quest to discover the Best Last Epoch Class for Patch 1.0.0, dissecting the strengths and limitations of Sentinels, Mages, Rogues, and Primalists. But the journey continues! The diverse landscape of Last Epoch holds a wealth of potential beyond these initial contenders.

Best Last Epoch Meta Class 2

Part 2 delves deeper into the ever-shifting meta, uncovering two more classes primed for dominance in the new era. We’ll explore their unique strengths, strategic synergies, and how they leverage the power of Ascendancies and the revamped itemization system. So, sharpen your blades, refine your strategies, and prepare to discover the champion that perfectly aligns with your playstyle and unleashes unparalleled power in Last Epoch’s 1.0.0 meta!

Analyzing Best Last Epoch Class (Part 2)

The 1.0.0 meta landscape in Last Epoch offers an abundance of compelling contenders for the title of “best meta class.” While Part 1 laid the foundation with powerful archetypes, Part 2 expanded our journey with Best Last Epoch Class. Let’s delve into a class renowned for its darkness and strategic command, the Acolyte

Analyzing Best Last Epoch Class

Acolyte in Best Last Epoch Class Patch 1.0.0

The Acolyte is a natural powerhouse, harnessing the powers of necromancy, curses, and corrupted magic. Patch 1.0.0 further amplifies their potential, making them a force to be reckoned with. Here’s why Acolytes are top contenders:

  • Versatile Ascendancies: The “Lich” grants unparalleled control over undead minions, allowing for powerful minion builds. Conversely, the “Warlock” specializes in debilitating enemies with curses and DoT (Damage over Time) effects. This offers diverse playstyles within the Acolyte class.
  • Reworked Abilities: Core abilities like “Bone Curse” and “Necromantic Reach” have received buffs, offering improved debuff potential and minion-related synergies. This bolsters the Acolyte’s ability to command the battlefield.
  • Synergy with New Items: The new itemization system favors Acolytes, introducing affixes specifically tailored to minion builds and DoT spellcasters. This provides a seamless path to power optimization.
  • Strategic Depth: Effective Acolyte gameplay requires strategic positioning, management of minions, and effective application of curses. This offers a rewarding playstyle for those who enjoy intricate strategies.

While Acolytes are powerful, they’re not without limitations. They can be relatively squishy and require careful positioning. Additionally, they may have a steeper learning curve compared to more straightforward classes.

Despite these limitations, Acolytes presents a compelling choice for players drawn to dark magic and strategic playstyles. Their diverse build options, synergy with the new patch features, and potential for tactical mastery make them a formidable contender in Patch 1.0.0 meta.

Acolyte in Best Last Epoch Class Patch 1.0.0

Best Last Epoch Class in Patch 1.0.0: Marksman

Marksmen have always excelled at ranged combat, and Patch 1.0.0 has taken their damage potential and agility to a new level. Here’s why Marksmen are Best Last Epoch Class:

  • Revamped Bow Skills: Key abilities like “Blast Rain” and “Explosive Ballista” received massive buffs, offering increased damage and improved area-of-effect control. This significantly boosts the Marksman’s ability to clear large groups of enemies.
  • Itemization Synergy: The new item system introduces affixes specifically designed for ranged characters. Look out for “Increased Critical Strike Chance for Bows” or “Increased Attack Speed” for rapid-fire devastation.
  • Mobility and Evasion: Marksmen possess inherent agility, allowing them to reposition and kite enemies easily. This survivability trait is essential in higher-level gameplay.
  • Diverse Playstyles: While “Blast Rain” marksmen excel at crowd control, skills like “Pinpoint Strike” and “Arrow Volley” offer alternative playstyles focused on single-target annihilation.

However, like other highly offensive classes, Marksmen lack inherent tankiness and rely on positioning and tactical movement to survive. Additionally, they may require more precise gear optimization and timing compared to some less dexterity-focused classes.

Despite these limitations, Marksmen present a compelling choice for players drawn to agile, high-damage playstyles. Their enhanced offensive potential, synergy with the new patch features, and potential for precise combat mastery make them a formidable contender in the Patch 1.0.0 meta.

Best Last Epoch Class in Patch 1.0.0: Marksman

Shaman in Best Last Epoch Class Patch 1.0.0

Shamans have always held a unique place in Last Epoch, channeling primal forces and summoning totems to dominate the battlefield. Patch 1.0.0 further elevates their potential, making them a force of nature in the meta. Here’s why Shamans are top contenders:

  • Ascendancy Diversity: The “Thorn Totem” Ascendancy grants Shamans impressive defensive capabilities and crowd control, while the “Storm” Ascendancy focuses on unleashing devastating lightning attacks. This provides diverse playstyle options within the Shaman class.
  • Revamped Totem Skills: Key abilities like “Thorn Totem” and “Primal Strike” have received buffs, offering improved damage scaling and utility. This empowers Shamans with even greater control over the battlefield.
  • Itemization Synergies: The new system offers fantastic possibilities for Shamans. Affixes focused on “Minion Damage” and “Lightning Damage” provide direct power boosts for their primary playstyles.
  • Hybrid Playstyle: Shamans excel at combining offensive capabilities with strategic totem placement and management. This caters to players who enjoy hybrid combat styles with elements of both aggression and defense.

While powerful, Shamans may have a steeper learning curve compared to some classes, requiring skillful management of totems and tactical spell casting. Additionally, depending on their Ascendancy choice, they may be less mobile than highly agile classes.

Despite these potential considerations, Shamans present a compelling choice for players who enjoy elemental power and a hybrid playstyle. Their unique combat mechanics, synergy with the new patch features, and potential for strategic mastery make them a formidable contender in the Patch 1.0.0 meta.

Shaman in Best Last Epoch Class Patch 1.0.0

Tips for Choosing Your Best Last Epoch Class

Choosing the Best Last Epoch Class is a personal journey. With the dynamic landscape of the 1.0.0 patch, navigating your path to greatness can be overwhelming. Let’s delve into some key tips to help you select the perfect champion that complements your playstyle and aspirations:

  • Playstyle Preference: Are you drawn to the brute force of Sentinels, the arcane mastery of Mages, the elusive nature of Rogues, or the primal fury of Primalists? Do you prefer minion builds with the Acolyte, ranged dominance with the Marksman, or the hybrid might of the Shaman? Reflect on what type of combat experience excites you most.
  • Complexity vs. Accessibility: Each class offers varying degrees of complexity. Mages and Acolytes might demand intricate spell casting and minion management, while classes like Sentinels can be slightly more approachable for newer players. Consider your experience level and desired learning curve.
Tips for Choosing Your Best Last Epoch Class
  • Item Dependency: Some classes rely on specific gear choices to truly reach their potential. Assess your willingness to grind for specific gear and tailor your selection accordingly.
  • Explore and Experiment: Don’t be afraid to experiment with different classes and Ascendancies! The best way to find your perfect fit is through hands-on experience and discovering what resonates with you.

The meta is constantly evolving. Choose a class that sparks your enthusiasm and empowers your journey in Last Epoch!


Your journey to conquer the Last Epoch meta has just begun! This two-part series explored top contenders and unveiled their strengths in Patch 1.0.0. Remember, the “best” class ultimately resides within you, waiting to be unleashed. Experiment, strategize, and embrace the evolving landscape! Stay tuned for further insights and guides as we delve deeper into the ever-expanding world of Last Epoch.


If you are looking for a trustworthy Last Epoch boosting agent, don’t hesitate to visit Goldenhorse Gaming Service on our web chat, FacebookTiktok, and YouTube. Golden Horse Gaming is always open to suggestions and feedback from the community and customers.

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