1. Why you need this service?
– Liyue is one of the seven nations in Teyvat. It is the city-state that worships Morax, the Geo Archon.
2. What do you receive?
– Mondstadt Chest (400/400)
– Archon Quest Mondstadt
– Mondstadt Wolrd Quest 20/22
– Dragonspine Chest(160/160)
– Collect 70 Crimson Agate – Frost Bearing Tree lv 8
– Open all Mondstadt teleports
– Collect all Geoculus – Geo Statue lv 10
– Liyue Chest (800/800)
– Archon Quest Liyue
– Wolrd Quest Liyue 38/40
– Open all Liyue teleports
3. We need below information
– Access code
– Your character name and server / UID
4. How secure is our service:
– Using the private and in-house network for the services, Private VPN
– All service is done 100% manually (NO BOT) so your account is in safe hands.
– Please avoid logging in during the boosting process. This may disrupt the finishing time for the order.