War of Warcraft: Season of Discovery

During BlizzCon 2023, Holly Longdale, the Executive Producer of World of Warcraft, revealed an exciting seasonal adventure for WoW Classic known as the Season of Discovery. This new season brings a plethora of fresh content, encouraging players to engage with the game through creative exploration. There are several types of professions in WoW Classic:
– Production Professions – Players collect recipes, granting them the ability to craft powerful gear that can be equipped or traded. Some professions offer additional perks in the form of powerful BoP-crafted items. Alchemy, Blacksmithing, Cooking, Engineering, Leatherworking, and Tailoring are Production Professions.
– Service Professions – These professions do not generate trade goods that are equitable, but allow the player to still create items that benefit players. Enchanting and First Aid are Service Professions.
– Gathering Professions – These professions supplement Production professions, allowing players to acquire materials that are required to create powerful trade goods. Herbalism, Mining, Skinning, and Fishing are Gathering Professions.
– Other – These skills are ones we do not think of as traditional crafting or gathering ones, like Riding, Poisons, and Pickpocketing.
1. Why do you need our services?
Players must also choose between two Primary Professions – Alchemy, Blacksmithing, Enchanting, Engineering, Herbalism, Leatherworking, Mining, Skinning, and Tailoring. The other professions are classified as Secondary Professions (Cooking, Fishing, First Aid) and all can be learned.
2. What do you receive
– Reach your Profession level desire.
– Quest gears & and material that drops from quest and grinding.
3. Requirement
– Account with WoW active subscription
4. We need the below information
– Your ID and PW
– Access code
– Your character name and server
– Faction: Alliance or Horde
– Class
5. How secure is our service
– Boosters and we’re all in one team provide many game services for 7 years and know each other in real life.
– Using the private and in-house network for the services, Private VPN
– All service is done 100% manually (NO BOT) so your account is in safe hands.
– Please avoid logging in during the boosting process. This may disrupt the finishing time for the order.
If you have any inquiries, do not hesitate to contact us via message. We are online 24/7 and willing to help you.