1. Why do you need this service?
This is the main questline of Lost Ark. Complete it to unlock various quality-of-life improvements and additional types of quests and content. Our booster will complete the required quest chains for every region
2. What do you receive?
Complete Elgacia Storyline
*(not include hidden quest/story or multiple day questline)
3. Requirements
– 1460 + GS
– Completed Story Quest: Tortoyk, Arthetine, Shushire, Rohendel, Feiton, South Vern, Kadan Story
– Completed Side Quest: Tabula Rasa( Wisdom Isle), To the Sound ( Whispering Isle), The Gate Of Paradise Opens
4. Time frame
The timeframe of the order is 5 hours
5. We need the below information
– Your ID and PW
– Access code
– Your character name and server
If you have any inquiries, do not hesitate to contact us via message. We are online 24/7 and willing to help you. Don’t forget to check out our Facebook Fanpage or our website to see more content and Discount Event.